About Us

Thank you for visiting our site! We’re blessed that you’ve visited us and promise to provide you great products and great service at a great price.

People lead busy lives and are more frequently looking to online options for goods and services. This site was developed to provide you the convenience of product selection, delivery scheduling and online payment 24 hours a day. We currently do not offer product pick-up.

Order Process

Shop On-line:
Review the product listing and detail pages. If desired, use the coverage calculator to estimate material requirements for your project. Order product from the coverage calculator or from any product page by entering the desired product quantity.

Checkout Step 1 – Enter Order Information:
Enter contact information, delivery address, directions, preferred placement of material and special instructions. To view our current delivery area please see delivery information.

Checkout Step 2 – Payment and Delivery
You will receive a phone call shortly where we will set up delivery and payment. Please call 920-850-0199 if you have any issues!